Danae’s Story

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“My husband and I started seeing Collins Chiropractic about a year before becoming pregnant with twin girls. Carrying twins was hard and physically taxing, but Dr. Collins made sure I stayed healthy and balanced throughout the pregnancy. A couple weeks after the twins were born, one twin was still struggling to latch and nurse, despite help from a lactation consultant and pediatrician. Dr. Collins gently adjusted her, and immediately afterward, she nursed (and she’s been a great eater ever since)! With the other twin, we had ongoing struggles with colic, severe reflux, restless leg syndrome, and sensory processing disorder. Dr. Collins and Dr. Blackburn have walked beside us, helping to calm her when her nervous system would get overloaded, researching and talking with peers to in order to best help her, and offering support and encouragement. The rest of the staff have been kind, caring, and incredibly helpful to our family. The twins are now healthy, happy two year olds who love coming to “play” at Collins Chiropractic. When we first found Dr. Collins, my husband and I were both struggling with severe migraines, and I needed help with infertility and chronic knee pain. Now three years later, we have healthy twin girls, less frequent and less severe migraines, a healthier lifestyle, and I no longer have knee pain (and am able to run again)!” -Danae


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